Monday, December 29, 2008

It's a Boy!

I had my ultrasound this morning, and our photogenic little baby left us in no doubt that we are having a boy! I will post pictures from the ultrasound as soon as Brian gets the chance to scan them in at work. We are so excited! Brian, in particular, is over the moon; though, before we went he assured me that he would like another girl just as much.

I can't believe that in five months, we are going to have a son! He is already so beautiful. Even the sonographer was commenting on what a nice nose he has; I think it looks like my husband's. But, my favorite comment was when she said, "He has such a beautiful heart!" Apparently the heart is usually difficult to view so nicely, but we got some wonderful footage on our complimentary DVD of our son's healthy (and, yes, beautiful) heart.

We do not have a name picked out, yet. Speaking of which, I have set up a new name poll. [name poll has been disabled; thanks for voting!] There are a few more boys' names than before, and I have (obviously) removed the girls' names. If you have a few seconds, please stop by and cast your vote. You can either click the link in this paragraph or follow from the icon at the top right of the page. You will only be able to vote once from any given computer. Vote either "yes" or "no" on each name (you don't have to pick just one name that you like).

We are elated, and just had to share the wonderful news with you all. We'll keep you abreast of any news as the pregnancy progresses. Gosh, I am one happy and blessed mama!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Help Us Name Our Newest Bun!

VOTE on my Name List

Click on the above link to vote on our list of possible boy and girl names for the May Baby! We may add or delete names from time to time, but we're looking forward to hearing input from you all. Thanks!
[name poll has been disabled; thank you for voting!]

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fantastic News!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

It feels marvelous to finally be able to share the good news with you all. Brian and I are thrilled. I am currently eleven weeks along, and I am due at the end of May. Sophia has no idea that anything is happening yet, but we hope and pray that she will be overjoyed when she gets to meet her new baby brother or sister this spring. They will be twenty-two months apart, which means I'm going to be a mama to two under least for a few weeks! I will, of course, keep you all updated with more information than you'd probably care to know. The ticker at the top of this post will be placed at the bottom of the webpage, if you'd like to keep track of the countdown to birth! Prayers would be much appreciated during the coming months, if you feel so moved.

So, that's the fantastic news! We have so much to be thankful for! Pregnancy, motherhood, even childbirth are all such tremendous blessings from the Lord! He has granted me such grace, I feel my heart is too full of thanks to express it. So, REJOICE with me, because I feel that I must share this joy, which is overflowing from the depths of my being!

Oh, and Sophia's favorite new word is "baby." Isn't that sweet? She loves saying, "Hi, baby" to all the newborns at church and looking at the pictures of babies from around the world in a little book she has. Hopefully, she'll be very happy when she realizes there will be a baby at home.

"Expectant Mother" by Ben Hammond

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween by Bill

As many of you know, Brian works for a *small, little-known* computer software company. Every year they throw a fantastic Halloween party for the kids of all the employees in his building. There's trick-or-treating, a Haunted Lab, and lots of fun costumes and gags. Sophia really seemed to enjoy herself, and as always, we had a wonderful time showing off our cutie to all of Brian's coworkers.

After receiving an orange from our friend Leslie, Sophia decided to take Mommy on a tour of the offices.

Here we continue our tour. Special stop off at the elevator. Infinitely fascinating for babies.

Can you believe these spoiled engineers get their own slushy and frozen strawberry lemonade machines? Sophia was pretty keen on the lemonade.

Have you seen the Mac/PC commercials? If you look carefully, this lovely fellow has an "I'm a PC" nametag proudly displayed on his shirt. Nearby signs warn those who enter that none may leave without killing all bugs.

Sophia gets her chocolate fix.



And, of course, when in as the geeks do!

Picking Pumpkins With Our Peanut

Last Saturday, after our annual church Harvest Fest, we took Sophia to pick out pumpkins at a local patch. It was lots of fun. I think Sophia particularly enjoyed picking out her own pint-sized pumpkin. It took her nearly five minutes to decide which one she wanted!



Sanctuary Harvest Fest 2008

Every year, our church in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle throws a Harvest Fest for the local kids (and parents!) We have tons of carnival games and way too much candy! We also set up treats and hot drinks for all the parents. This year, we got a bunch of hay bales, we had a great musician come to bless us with his talents, and the Salvation Army set up a truck to hand out free nachos. It was a blast!

One of Greenwood's finest.

Sophia and Mommy are having a great time!

Our busy little bee.

A little witch enjoys the beanbag toss.

Spiderman 1 and Spiderman 2 enjoy some self-decorated cookies with their sister.

Elmo gets some popcorn.

Our pastor, Randy, showing off his Nordic roots.

Our little friend Nicholas is a very serious little boy.

But when he's with Daddy, you can sometimes get him to smile!

Little Evie the chick tries out her wings!

Some canine companions show off their costumes.

Bee and flower twins.

I didn't know ducks used pacifiers.

Our face painters really made the kids' days.

Go fish! And, if you'll notice, our little Sophia is fishing (pilfering) in the candy bowl behind the fish pond.

Whew! What a day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Growing Girlie: 14 Months

Our friend Torrey who is a gifted photographer took these impromptu photos at our church's monthly gathering at a local pizza place. Unfortunately, they don't show off her three beautiful pearly whites that well, but they are still wonderful pictures.

So, yes, Sophia has three teeth now: two on the top and one on the bottom. She has not begun walking on her own yet, but she can really cruise if she's holding onto your fingers! I get the feeling that when she does finally "walk" it will not be walking so much as running. Her new favorite accomplishment is to say "Hi!" to everyone while waving at them. It is very cute...except perhaps in the middle of church when she begins egging on the other toddlers with her adorable antics.

Oh, and a final "break-through" to share with you all: You'll probably think I'm lying, and I would have thought I had imagined it if Brian hadn't been right there to confirm. Last night, Brian and I watched in awe-struck silence as Sophia hummed/sang "Just You Wait 'enry 'iggins" from My Fair Lady from her highchair (minus the words, naturally)! We watched the film the other day, and I've been going around singing this song, so I guess she picked up the melody! But, we were both totally shocked by the accuracy of her pitch! Maybe we'll have a musical child, after all.

Monday, August 25, 2008

This Post Has Nothing to Do With Anything, But the Pictures Are Cute

The tooth is coming in nicely, and now she has another one on the bottom to match.

We attended our downstairs neighbors' bible study the other night, and it turns out some of their friends brought their baby, too: a blonde nine-week-old dauchsaund named Samson.

Sophia and Samson make friends.

Sophia loves to sit in her highchair at the piano and give us concerts before dinner.

And, a smile to brighten your day!