It feels marvelous to finally be able to share the good news with you all. Brian and I are thrilled. I am currently eleven weeks along, and I am due at the end of May. Sophia has no idea that anything is happening yet, but we hope and pray that she will be overjoyed when she gets to meet her new baby brother or sister this spring. They will be twenty-two months apart, which means I'm going to be a mama to two under two...at least for a few weeks! I will, of course, keep you all updated with more information than you'd probably care to know. The ticker at the top of this post will be placed at the bottom of the webpage, if you'd like to keep track of the countdown to birth! Prayers would be much appreciated during the coming months, if you feel so moved.
So, that's the fantastic news! We have so much to be thankful for! Pregnancy, motherhood, even childbirth are all such tremendous blessings from the Lord! He has granted me such grace, I feel my heart is too full of thanks to express it. So, REJOICE with me, because I feel that I must share this joy, which is overflowing from the depths of my being!
Oh, and Sophia's favorite new word is "baby." Isn't that sweet? She loves saying, "Hi, baby" to all the newborns at church and looking at the pictures of babies from around the world in a little book she has. Hopefully, she'll be very happy when she realizes there will be a baby at home.
"Expectant Mother" by Ben Hammond