Tuesday, December 06, 2005

11 days until the wedding!

So, I guess we're not exactly "The Hudson Family" yet, but I just wanted to test drive this thing before we become so. Brian and I are thrilled beyond belief that the wedding is so close! The plans are in the final stages, and we've only had one snafu: Our photographer, Sharon, fell down a flight of stairs two weeks ago, holding her 15-month-old son! Luckily, he wasn't hurt, but she got a pretty bad sprained ankle and a tweaked back. Fortunately, she was able to set us up with one of her partners, Carla, who is now our new wedding photographer. Not quite the sort of thing you want to hear two weeks before the wedding, but God willing, it will all be for the best, anyway. Studying for exams is underway. The "exam season" officially begins tomorrow, but Brian had his first one today (evil Viterbi School of Engineering with their crazy professors). And, that's about all I've got for now. Have a blessed day!


Lindsay said...

11 days, insanity!

School is nearly over. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Bethany, that is one of the most gorgeous pictures of a couple I have seen. I know we haven't kept in touch continuously, but I want you to know that I am thinking about you during this wonderful time in your life and wish you the best in all of your endeavors and with your journey of love with Brian.

Brandi Wolff