Thursday, September 06, 2007

New Photos....7 weeks already

Well, Sophia is now 7 weeks old. How is the time already flying so very fast? What with taking care of a newborn and me (Bethany) starting rehearsals last week, we've been a bit overdue for posting new pictures for you all to coo over. The good news is that we did take lots of pictures, and we just posted some of our favorites on our flickr site (link in previous post). Hope you enjoy!

In other news: Sophia has started smiling!! What a precious gift. She's also just begun making sounds that seem intentional, rather than involuntary (ie more communicative), but that isn't exactly a frequent occurrence yet. The doctor said to start watching for more of that this month and that she should begin trying to mimick our speech soon. What fun things to look forward to!

Sophia has officially outgrown her newborn clothes :( Mama was rather sad. Though, since they were mainly summer outfits and we're starting to see the beginnings of autumn weather here, it's probably well-timed. The 0-3 mo clothes still look rather baggy on her, but her poor ankles stick out of the Nb sizes. She's lookin' like her Daddy already: long and lean...except for the chipmunk cheeks and the double chin, of course.

Rehearsals are going very well. I love my cast and my director. There's a surprising lot to sink your teeth into despite the fact that The Importance of Being Earnest is a marvelously frivolous comedy. We're all having a blast, and I feel very blessed to be a part of this show. Besides, it's so nice to be practicing my craft again.

My father made us the generous gift of loaning us his other car. He shipped it cross-country and it arrived today. Now we have a safer car to put the carseat in and a second car so that Brian and Sophia will have one while I drive to rehearsals each night. It is a tremendous blessing to have it, and we are so grateful.

We hope that everyone is having a beautiful end of the summer and start of the fall. God bless!

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